Adobe After Effects

Adobe After Effects
With Adobe After Effects CS5 software, you can create compelling motion graphics and BlockBuster visual effects with flexible tools that help save you time and deliver unparalleled creative power.
Top New Features:
Import of 3D layers from Photoshop
Import 3D models from Adobe Photoshop CS5 into Adobe After Effects CS5 to composite them with other elements, and more.
Searchable timelines and projects and easier nested comp navigation
Locate any element in a comp or project with the new QuickSearch. Quickly navigate Between nested comps with the new Mini-Flowchart.
Independent keyframing of x, y, z values, plus 3D compositing improvements
Composite in 3D space more easily: Keyframe x, y, and z position values separately, and use the new unified camera, which makes the After Effects camera tool work more like those in 3D modeling applications.
Compositions exported as layered projects
Export compositions as layered, XFL format projects that can be opened and edited in Adobe Flash CS5 Professional software. Many After Effects assets such as text and Adobe Illustrator artwork are preserved as vectors.
Cartoon effect
Instantly give live footage the look of cell animation. Stylize video by reducing the color palette of a clip and by emphasizing edges.
you can free download Adobe After Effects CS5 now.

Adobe After Effects CS5